I am going to mash both days of AVCon together in this post because I can't be bothered making seperate ones! It will probably be a very picture heavy post too~ (I didn't take many pictures myself so I am going to steal all of the photossss! I will put a click-through link to the facebook/blog that they came from) ;)
Day 2~
For day 2 of AVCon Bethany and I cosplayed as Rin and Shiemi from Ao No Exorcist/Blue Exorcist! Originally I was going to do a crossplay of Rin but I just didn't like how I looked in the first wig I bought so I decided I would do a genderbend! I wasn't super happy with this cosplay but it was okay~
We both bought our costumes online, I had to kind of buy different bits for mine because I originally bought a boys uniform so I used the blazer and tie from that, used a white shirt from my K-ON cosplay and bought a black pleated skirt! I did make the sword bag though but that was super easyy!!

My face probably looks the nicest in this photo, I wish I looked better in the photos u___u I don't have a nice full body shot either! Boooo~
Day 2 of AVCon was really fun though! We got ready with time to spare but we ended up fiddling around a bit then had to leave in a rush because we didn't realise what time the train came, when we got to AVCon there was a huge line and no one was inside yet so we decided to go get coffee and food from breadtop!
By the end of the day my wig was driving me insane so I took it off and oh man that was a bad idea, my hair was terrible and we tried to make it better by wearing my rose wreath I bought earlier but that looked so ridiculoussssss with my cosplay > <
Anyway! we decided to go to quiz night at AVCon last minute and scored a table! Quiz night was a lot of fun, mainly because we had some vodka and shared a cup between myself, Bethany, Joe and Jason. That made us all a bit giggly and made quiz night better ahahah!
It was so late when we got home but we still had to do some little bits to our sunday outfits! D;
Day 3~
We had to wake up super earlyyy to get ready for sunday as we had lots to do!
Bethany and I twinned in handmade Rialkkuma (Beth) and Korilakkuma (meee!) themed lolita!
Beth came up the the Idea while on the plane back from Japan and said we had to do it! Naturally I agreed, what is better than kuma lolitaaa?! n__n
We handmade the little bear ears, tiny bows and everything!
In the morning we had Rilakkuma hotcake flavoured kitkats that Beth bought back from Japan!
After walking around for a bit Beth had to go to work, so I walked around with Joe, Jason, Josh, Sarah and Adnan for most of the day! kept kind of losing friends and finding other ones too > <" I think we got a bit bored and Joe and I were scouting for butts, you tend to see a lot of butts at conventions, hahaha.
I got photos with some awesome cosplayers too, there is Jack Skellington, it was so awesome that they were on stilts too! There was Beemo and an Adventure Time group!
At about 4 we went to the pancake kitchen to meet Beth!
I am 100% squinty foreverrrr (; ̄Д ̄)
We had to rush back to AVCon for the lolita parade, we had entered in the Handmade part of the comp! There were so many lolita girls this year!
We also won the handmade section of the parade too! It was so exciting, we won lots of goodies (^▽^)!!
AVCon was so much fun and I can't wait for next year!~ I'll leave some pictures of lolitas/cosplayers belowww!! n___n
Nana as Nerine from Shuffle (left) and Jimmy as Echo from Pandora Hearts (right)
Carrie as Princess Serenity and Shyen!
And the tiny amount of things I bought at AVCon~
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ